Sunday, March 18, 2012

Random Quotes.

Lagi gak ada kerjaan dan iseng mantengin TL twitter.
I've found some nice quotes. Cekidot.

"Don't trust too much, don't hope too much, and don't love too much. Because that TOO MUCH can hurt you SO MUCH."
"The best way to avoid disappointment is to not expect anything from anyone."
do you agree with both quote?
Yes I am.... karena ketika kita percaya, kita bakal berharap bahwa mereka bakal ngejaga kepercayaan yang kita kasih, tapi ketika kepercayaan itu disia-siain, wth. it'll hurt you so much, right?
Makanya jangan terlalu berharap sama apapun/siapapun ya. Hati lo sangat berharga buat disakitin. #ceileh

"You must learn that sometimes it isn't love. It's just a sudden feeling. And you just over-reacted."
Hahaha gw agak kesindir sama quote ini. Kadang lo ngerasa suka sama seseorang dan agak over-react (istilahnya kegeeran kali ya). Iya ga sih? hahaha selamat, anda terlalu pede. p

Makanya, jangan kegeeran dulu ya sodara2 kalo ada yang deketin, soalnya itu orang belum tentu serius juga deketin kita. just anticipate lah...
ya intinya, please deh jangan lebay! #mendadakgaul

"if you just keep silent all the time, how could i know.. hey i can't read your mind. that's it."

Nah ini jg nih, yang suka bikin bete adalah kita harus nebak2 perasaan orang dengan baca sikap mereka.
hellooooo, i can't read your mind, right? so please, talk to me if you have a problem with me. errrrr.
Intinya, ya mending speak up aja daripada maen tebak2an kan....
nanti giliran dianya pindah hati, nyesel... #ketawasetan

"I hate when i miss somebody a lot but nothing i can do."
hahahahha LOL.
Sms/telpon/YM dong ya kalo begini mah. Ato mention deh seenggaknya.
Just "Hi, how's life" walaupun sebenrnya "Hi, apa kabar? kangen kamu deh."
it's better than do nothing. :p
tapi masalahnya adalah gengsi kali ya.
ya gini deh, milih gengsi atau nyesel? hahhahaha #mamam

"Jodoh itu seperti hadiah. 
Dibungkus rapi, tersembunyi, hanya tinggal menunggu waktu untuk membukanya."
Asik kali ya kalo jodoh kita beneran dibungkus sama kado & it'll be surprised while you open this gift.
Hahahaha well, namanya jodoh itu ga ada yang tau ya.
yang buat yang masih penasaran sama jodohnya, ya sabar ya.
Tp tetep usaha+doa loh ya. Jodoh itu juga ga dateng sendiri loh. Perlu usaha buat dapetin jodoh kita. #salaman
(lah emang gw udah nemu? #eh #ditabok hihihiiii)

"What you give is what you get returned. so if you did nothing, you wouldn't have expected too much."
Nah ini ni, buat yang sukanya berpangku tangan tapi ga mau usaha, don't expect too much please.
karena apa yang lo dapet itu sebanding sama usaha lo buat ngedapetinnya.
ya kalo lo mau nanem lo pasti dapet hasilnya, tapi kalo lo cuma duduk manis ya mau sampe 50tahun lagi juga ga bakal dapet apa2.Correct???

"Manjadda wa jadda : Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh, insyaAllah akan berhasil"
Quotes ini gw dapet dari salah satu buku yang gw pernah baca "Negeri 5 Menara", sekarang malah udah dipilemin ya. Dan quote ini gw jadiin motivasi pas gw skripsi kemaren. and it's work guys.
Trust me, it will happen when you believe!:)

"Stay focused on what needs to be done in your life. 
Studying other people's progress will just slow you down! FOCUS!"
Totally agree! Kadang kita terlalu fokus sama progress org lain dan ketika kita compare sm diri sendiri, kita udah ketinggalan jauh dari mereka.
Hey wake up guys, gak ada kata terlambat.
Ambil sisi positifnya. Jadiin aja motivasi dan lo harus bisa ngejar mereka.
I have tried it actually and it should try lah. :D

"Never give up. When your heart becomes tired, just walk with your legs - but move on."
I like this quote. ketika lo bener2 capek sama hidup lo.
secapek apapun hati kita, tapi cobalah tetep berjalan (pake kaki? iyalah)
jangan stuck yaaaa, karena kalo lo stuck, lo bakal diem di tempat, just try lah.
don't stuck at the long time. or you will regret later.

"You never know how strong you are, until life gives you no choice and your forced to be your own hero."
Bener banget nih. Ketika keadaan terpaksa, pasti lo bakal bisa ngelakuin apa aja deh.
Bahkan hal-hal yang ga pernah lo sangka sekalipun. Aneh kadang ya, but it's true guys.
You are an hero for yourself.!

"When u still believe in God even in the hardest time of your life, that's when trouble turns into miracle"
Beneeeeeer. In your hardest time, when you feel you can't continue anymore, when you feel you just gave up, there's one step more to get closer of what your destiny. There's always something. Don't stop believing!

"Spend more time with those who make you smile and less time with those who you feel pressured to impress."
Yang capek sama kerjaan, sama bos, sama partner, ato sama apapun.
Just enjoy your time with your beloved person and it will refresh your mind.
They can fill up your mood again even they maybe didn't understand your problem.
love them sooooo much! :*

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